Back to School Basics: Let’s Get it Straight

We can’t believe the end of the summer is already here and school will be starting soon. The staff at Robinson and Ries Orthodontics has a few tips we would like to share as you prepare for the new school year!

  1. Leave your retainer in your locker before lunch. Do not put it on your lunch tray! There is a 95% chance you will accidentally throw it away one of these days.
  2. Remember to brush and floss after you eat. We understand it may not always be possible to do this given the school’s schedule, but try to do so as soon as you can. Floss picks are a great thing to have on hand.
  3. Stay away from the hard candy and foods in the lunch line.
  4. Wear your elastics! Not wearing elastics can prolong your treatment time. And as much as we love seeing you in the office, we want you to get that perfect smile as soon as possible. Keep extras in your locker in case one breaks.
  5. Remember to bring a protective mouth guard if you play sports during or after school.

In order to accommodate all of our patients’ busy schedules, it is important that you plan ahead for your appointments so we are able to provide you with a convenient appointment time. If you haven’t been able to keep your regular orthodontic appointments, now is the time to call us! We wish everyone a great school year and we are excited to see your smiling face in the office soon. If you have any questions, we are here to help.